
McHenry Township Assessor

Message From Your Assessor, Mary Mahady

Hello McHenry Township Residents!

As I write this, it’s hard to believe that it’s September! It has been a busy time for us here in the Assessor’s office as we worked to complete 2024 assessment and turn them into the county. The county has notified us that the publication of the new assessments in the NW Herald will be on September 25, 2024. You should receive you Assessment Notice around that same time.

Please make sure you take a look at the notice when you receive it. The information on that document tells you important information you need to know about your property. You will see the Fair Cash Value (the value assigned to your property for 2024) and the final date to file an appeal if you choose to do so, which is October 25, 2024.

I want to emphasize the importance of paying attention to the exemptions indicated on the notice as well. If you believe this information is incorrect or you have questions on the available exemptions, please call us. Every exemption you receive reduces your tax liability, 

 Please remember that the value of your property is based on what it could have been sold for in January 2024. As you may be aware, home sale prices have significantly increased over the last 3 years and we have not seen any change in that trend at this time. Due to those sale price increases, McHenry Township has a township factor of 11.62% for 2024. What that means is that you can expect to see a significant increase in your Fair Cash Value for 2024.

As always, my staff will be happy to address any questions or concerns you have if you call the office. If you want to set up an appointment, we can do that as well. I also will again hold an Assessment Appeal Workshop to make sure you get answers, especially if you cannot contact us during regular business hours. The workshop will be on Monday October 7, 2024, 6:00pm-7:30pm, here in the Township Hall. If you want to file an appeal, we will certainly assist you in the process. We will have the updated assessments and sales information on our website to help you determine if your value is correct and if it is in line with other similar home values.

As a reminder, even though my Deputy Assessors and I will be focused on appeals for the next few months, my field staff will still be doing their work continuing to update property records in areas that have not been reviewed in many years. Please understand that they are only there to collect the information we need to properly assess your property and if you have any questions regarding their visit, your assessment valuation or how it is determined, or any concerns, you should call my office. We are here Monday – Friday, 8:30-4:30pm (except holidays).

I wish you all a safe and healthy rest of 2024!

Mary Mahady, C.I.A.O.
McHenry Township Assessor
If you have questions, please feel free to contact my office or email me at

McHenry Township Assessor Mary Mahady

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