
Exemption Forms

Homeowners - General Homestead Exemption

Reduction in equalized assessed value up to $8,000. Available for all owner-occupied residences. No age requirement. Check your last tax bill. If you reside in McHenry Township, parcel numbers begin with 09 or 10 only. Please contact McHenry Township Assessor, at 815-385-0175.

Senior Citizen Homestead

An $8,000 reduction in the assessed value of property. To qualify for this exemption a person must be 65 years of age or older during the taxable year for which application is made and must be the owner of record or person with equitable interest in the property. More information and applications for this exemption are available from the County Assessments Office or from your local Township Assessor.

Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Exemption

Allows qualified senior citizens to elect to maintain the equalized assessed value of their home at the base year value and prevent any increase due to inflation. The base year is the year prior to the year you first qualify and apply for the exemption. The assessment freeze exemption does not freeze the amount of your property tax bill, which will still increase if the tax rate increases. To qualify you must be 65 years of age or older during the taxable year and have a total household income of no more than $65,000. You must have owned the property or had legal or equitable interest in the property, or had a leasehold interest in the residence, and be liable for the payment of property as your principal place of residence. The application must be made by July 1. Information and applications are available from the County Assessments Office.

Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Deferral

Allows qualified Seniors to defer all or part of property tax on their owner-occupied residence. It’s a form of loan with a six percent interest rate. The loan would be repaid after the tax payers death or at the time the property is sold, whichever comes first. You must be at least 65 years of age by June 1, have occupied the property for at least three years and have a household income not more than $55,000. Application must be filed by March 1.

Home Improvement Exemption

Reduction in assessed value increased, up to $25,000, caused by new improvement to an existing structure. This exemption is assessed over 4 years. It is available for all owner-occupied residences. No age requirement.

Disabled Veteran Exemption (specially adapted housing)

Exempts up to $100,000 of assessed value. Veteran must have a service-related disability and the federal government has approved payment to construction or modify your home for your disability. Exemption continues with unmarried surviving spouse. Certification is made to Illinois Department of Revenue by US Department of Veteran’s Affairs. State then certifies to county.

For more information, Contact US Department of Veterans Affairs. Local Illinois office is 815-338-9292.

Disabled Persons' Homestead Exemption

This exemption lowers the equalized assessed value of your property by $2,000 and may be claimed in addition to the Homestead Exemption and the Senior Citizen’s Homestead Exemptions.

Disabled Veterans' Standard Homestead Exemption

This exemption will help veterans with service-connected disabilities. If you are a veteran with a service-connected disability and you are 30% and 49% disabled, the equalized assessed value of your property is reduced by $2,500. If you are a veteran with a service-connected disability and you are 50% and 60% disabled, the equalized assessed value of your property is reduced by $5,000. Veterans who have a 70% or greater service-connected disability are exempt from property tax.

The service-connected disability must be certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs. The exemption benefit carries over to a qualified surviving spouse. The surviving spouse of a veteran killed in the line of duty can qualify for this exemption.

Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption

Starting in tax year 2010 this exemption lowers the equalized assessed value of your property by $5,000 in the year you return from active duty in armed conflict. It is a two-year exemption.

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