Home Clerk / Board
In addition to being the Clerk of all township meetings, Danielle Aylward is the keeper of all township records. The integrity and accuracy of the Clerk is important in any court action involving the township’s official records. She also administers oaths.
The Clerk provides notice of meetings and the agendas, She is also responsible for placing notices such as advertisement of bids in local newspapers and public places within the township including notices for the McHenry Township Road District. She is present at all bid openings for both the township and the road district.
As ex-officio clerk of the Road District, the township clerk maintains all records for the highway commissioner.
As Town Clerk, Danielle is the local election authority and is responsible for accepting petitions concerning local elections and/or referendums.
Her duties include accepting and filing the Annual Supervisor’s Report and posting a copy of the statement at the place of the annual township meeting 2 days before the meeting is held. She reads the statement aloud at the annual township meeting.
Danielle Aylward
Adam Shaver
Michelle Bindenagel
Ray Mendlik
Mark Jaeger
The McHenry Township Board of Trustees is the governing board elected to direct township policies and manage its affairs. The board is comprised of dedicated Township residents who work to improve the quality of life in their community.
The township board of trustees is the legislative branch of township government. Each township has four trustees and a supervisor, which comprise the board. The Township Supervisor is the Chairman of the Township Board of Trustees. Each board member is elected at-large within the township and has one vote on all issues before the township board.
The Township Clerk is a non-voting member of the township board of trustees and is required to keep accurate records of all township board meetings and maintain records of the board’s executive sessions. During the town board meetings the clerk records roll call votes.
Trustees’ duties include monthly auditing of bills, budget preparation, adoption of the Road District and Township budget, approval of ordinances and contracts, and policy making for the Township.
A township trustee’s duties are similar to those of city council members in other local governments. They include adopting a budget, setting health and safety ordinances, and overseeing programs and services.