Home Road District Driveway Culvert Permit
When installing a driveway or field entrance, a permit for a driveway installation on the township right of way is required. No construction may take place until a culvert has been installed. Permit applications are available at the road district office. A drawing is required showing the proposed driveway location.
A non-refundable $150.00 inspection fee and refundable bond of $1000.00 per culvert is required. Please provide a check or money order made payable to “McHenry Township Road District”.
If you blacktop over the culvert before the inspection and upon inspection we find the culvert damaged, you may decide to forfeit the bond and have McHenry Township Road District install the replacement; however, we will not repave the driveway. Please call for an inspection before paving.
After completion of the construction and restoration work, the permit holder must call the McHenry Township Road District for an inspection. If the culvert installation is approved, the bond will be returned.
No restriction of water flow through the ditch line is allowed (i.e.: rocks, timbers, concrete walls, curbs, bricks, etc.).
If a house or other building is being constructed, the property owner must obtain a driveway culvert permit before a county building permit can be issued.
If a driveway is to be paved with blacktop, the surface must be even with the roadway surface. No concrete or brick past property line into road right of way (30 feet from the center of the road).
If you are planning to repave your driveway and live on a road maintained by the Township, we will check your culvert to see if it needs replacing. If it does need to be replaced, we will furnish the culvert at no charge. Call the Road District for more information at 815-385-3076.
Follow the instructions below to correctly fill out the McHenry Township culvert permit.
Your submitted documents will be sent to the McHenry Township Road District for review. Both documents must be filled out and submitted for approval. Click the button below to be taken to the fillable form.