
Mailbox Reminders

Your mailbox is not only a receptacle for your mail but helps others find your house. The ones looking for you could be the rescue squad, police, fire department, or out of town guests. Please put your street address on your mailbox. It will help everyone.

If the mailbox or the post is not in good condition, snow from the plow blade could damage the mailbox and interrupt your mail service. Please check your mailbox as this is the property owner’s responsibility.

USPS truck

If your mailbox is damaged directly by a township plow, the township will replace what was damaged. Mailboxes are replaced with a standard rural steel mailbox unit and posts will be replaced with a 4×4 wooden post. 

If your mailbox is damaged or knocked down by the snow coming off of the plow (the windrow), it is the homeowner’s responsibility to make the repairs.

Mailbox Installation Specifications

The following regulations comply with the National Safety Council and the Federal Highway Administration regulations:

  1. Mailbox must be properly installed so as to allow for convenient servicing by the letter carrier.
  2. The use of a group mailbox stand (i.e. a number of mailboxes on one support) is encouraged where possible. This helps letter carriers  speed  up delivery and avoids damage by snowplows.
  3. Only United States Postal Service approved mailboxes may be used.
  4. Without curb, mailboxes should be installed 12 inches off the roadway, with curb they should be installed 6-8 inches off the roadway.
  5. The bottom of the mailbox should be 40-44 inches above the pavement surface.
  6. The ideal mailbox support is an assembly which, if struck, bends or falls away from the striking vehicle instead of severely damaging the vehicle and injuring its occupants. Mailbox supports no larger than 4 inches by 4 inches or 4 ½ inch wood posts, or 2 inch diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe, buried no more than 24 inches in the ground, should safely breakaway if struck by a vehicle.
  7. The use of heavy metal posts, concrete posts, and miscellaneous items of farm equipment such as milk cans filled with concrete is not permitted. A brick, stone or any cement structure of a permanent nature is strictly prohibited.
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