Computer Classes

2006 Governor's Home Town Award

McHenry Township Senior Computer Education Program

Winner of the 2006 Governor's Home Town Award

Free Computer Classes

Computer classes are offered throughout each month at McHenry Township Senior Center, 3519 N. Richmond Road.

From the novice student, to the more advanced, we have just the classes for you! If you have a specific computer, iPad, laptop or other technology related interest, please call and we will match you with the instructor you need.

McHenry Township Senior Computer Class

Would you like to learn more about Word, the Internet, E-mail, or Windows? We have recently added new classes including ‘Fundamentals of Facebook’, ‘Navigating Map Programs’ (i.e. Google Earth, Map Quest, etc.) and ‘Introduction to Android Tablets’.

Registration is required as class size is limited

Call Lisa Geisler - Activities Director at 815-344-3555 to register.

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