Voter Services


Early Voting

Voter’s who have requested a “Vote By Mail Ballot”  mat Surrender it to an Election Judge at the polls during Early voting or on election Day.

Early Voting Information for the November 4, 2024 General Election

Voter Registration is Open Year Round

Voter Registration is open on Election Day at any precinct.

Grace Period registration and voting has now been extended through Election Day which allows voters to update their information and vote at the same time.

If you are a Township resident you may register to vote at the McHenry Township Office during regular business hours prior to Election Day.

  • Must be a US citizen;
  • Must be at least 18 years of age by Election Day; 17 years of age to vote in a General Primary if individual will be 18 as of the following General Election;
  • Must have been a resident of the precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
McHenry Township Voter Services


Registering to vote has never been simpler. You can register online, in person at the McHenry Township office or you can download registration forms and then register through the mail. Applying online takes less than one minute. Read the instructions carefully and be prepared to provide certain personal information.

Go to the Illinois Online Voter Registration Application website for an online voting registration application.

Vote-by-Mail Ballot

  1. Download the “Application for Vote By Mail Ballot” from the County Clerk’s website.
    1. E-mail application to:
    2. Or mail to: McHenry County Clerk, 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois 60098
  2. Call the McHenry County Clerk’s office at 815-334-4242 if you have any questions.
    As a safeguard to Vote By Mail voting the following provisions are in effect:
    • A candidate whose name is on the ballot is prohibited from assisting a physically disabled voter unless the candidate is the spouse, parent, brother or sister of the voter. Also, no one other than the voter shall deposit the ballot in the mail.
    • A Vote By Mail ballot may be delivered in person to THE COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE by either the voter or by a spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of the voter. If the ballot is delivered by any of the aforesaid persons written authorization from the voter must also be provided. A ballot may also be delivered to the Clerk’s office by an authorized delivery service.
    • A voter who was issued a Vote By Mail ballot may surrender the unvoted ballot on Election Day at the polling site and vote in person.


Any person who registered by mail, who has never voted in McHenry County before, and is requesting a Vote By Mail ballot through the mail, must provide sufficient proof of identity to allow the election authority to verify the voter’s identity prior to the mailing of a ballot; or the voter may vote in person at the McHenry County Administration Building, Rm. 107, with one exception: any voter who is voting under the provisions of the uniformed and overseas citizen absentee voting act who registered by mail may vote by mail.

Further information may be obtained by calling 815-334-4242 or the Illinois State Board of Election at 217-782-4141 in Springfield or 312-814-6440 in Chicago.

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